There are now just three days before the gates of Forty Hall Farm open for the Enfield Food Festival.
Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been talking to a group of people in the Enfield food community. I’ve heard about their small businesses, all of which have their heart and soul at their core, and then we’ve sat down in the farm’s hothouse to ask them some quick fire questions. Their answers have been fun, revealing, and show how the borough is increasingly a food force to be reckoned with. Big thanks is due to Emma Lundie, The Food Gatherer, who works so hard to pull the festival together. Today, in our final short piece, Emma sits in the hot seat and we find out about her most memorable meal (if you read yesterday’s interview, you won’t be surprised that it was on a sunny Italian island), her favourite vegetable and the mass-produced food that she finds hard to resist (what is it about these salty snacks for the Enfield food crew?!).